Imagine this. You are deep in Northern Pakistan, with different tribes all around you. You're finishing up a hard day of labor, and you're talking with your fellow workers while enjoying a relaxing dinner. All of the sudden, BOOM! You look up, and see drones (unmanned aircraft) firing volleys of missiles right at your village. That's
exactly what happened in Zowi Sidgi, Pakistan. CNN correspondent, Jethro Mullen,
did a recent article on a former drone operator, Brandon Bryant who saw some pretty nasty stuff in his time working behind the monitor that displayed the graphic images. "The smoke clears, and there's pieces of the guys around the crater. And there's this guy over here missing his right leg" (Bryant). Now, after he quit the job in 2011, Bryant struggles day to day with depression, drinking and PTSD, all because someone convinced him he was doing the right thing when he started. The government actually offered him a six figure bonus to stay and continue firing the drones. That goes to show what good ol' Uncle Sam can do FOR YOU.
Amnesty International
released un-certified estimates from Pakistani officials and the NGO regarding the number of civilians killed by drones. From 2004 and 2013, it is estimated that between 400 and 900 civilians have been killed and at least 600 seriously injured. These numbers, if true, have raised questions about potential war crimes being committed by the United States. However, the U.S. Government has classified the numbers of civilians they have killed, and deny any allegation of war criminality. Therefore, no one
really knows. But what we
do know is that innocent people are being killed. Men, women and children of peaceful tribes who just happen to be located near some not so peaceful people. Do you think it is okay to kill innocent people if it helps kill the "bad" guys? Why might this be a bad idea if we want to make peace with these countries? I feel like dropping bombs with a drone being virtually controlled half way around the world is not a good way to make friends. But will only create further chaos.