So on my morning commute to New Trier today I had an interesting experience. My friend, let's call him Zane, picked me up at around 10 AM because we had a late start. Our conversation on the way consisted of racial profiling in the North Shore, and specifically familial profiling. For example, if someones family has had a history with the police, the police are more likely to profile you as a
bad person. Which is complete BS in my opinion.
Anyway, we are crossing the bridge to the East side of Winnetka and a police officer lights us up. Naturally, we wondered what we did wrong. But, being the lawful citizens we are, pulled over nonetheless. After he took our ID's and registration he walked back to his car to look us up in their system. We both have clean records, spotless. So, we are thinking to ourselves, 'okay, he just wants to scare us a little and make us more cautious drivers' (we eventually got a warning for "improper lane switching"... Once again, total BS, in my opinion. (They didn't even hand it to us, they just left it in the drivers seat)
Five minutes pass and he finally comes back.
"You boys got any weed or anything you wouldn't want me to know about?"
"No officer, we were just on our way to school"
"So you don't mind if I search your car then, right?"
"No sir, go ahead"
We had nothing illegal in the car, and felt comfortable letting him search the car. So, now there are three, yes I said three police cars with their lights flashing all around our car. People are driving their kids to school gawking at these two teens, we were on a very busy road. And it was a very, very, very uncomfortable situation. The officer patted down Zane, but not me... Interesting. He then proceeded to search the car along with our backpacks, obviously finding nada. They spent close to fifteen minutes searching, and when they concluded that we were not the kids they were hoping for, they just said "OK, go". That was it. No handshake. No other explanation. Just an angry stern look, as if they had failed at their job.
Isn't their job to be protecting citizens, not profiling them and trying to get them in trouble? Apparently not in Winnetka.
If you were in this situation, do you think you would have let the officers search your car? Why, or why not? What do you feel about profiling? Do you think it is prevelent, even in a community like Winnetka? Please leave your comments below!