Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Open Letter to Bill O'Reilly

Dear Mr. O'Reilly,

Let me start off by saying how much I respect you and your show. I watch it with my parents every night, and enjoy every minute. I have read Killing KennedyKilling Lincoln, and I am currently beginning Killing Jesus. These were all great, historical, non-bias pieces of work. 

I am a senior in high school and am put in an environment where being conservative is looked down upon. My opinion is thought of as either racist, rude, or ridiculous. The three r's as I like to call them, AKA every liberals defense. They simply do not like the fact that they are wrong, and can be proven wrong with fact based evidence. This was a technique I learned from your show, and I will use it for the rest of my life.

However, I would like to use this technique to point out something incorrect you said on your show tonight(Monday July 28). I feel obligated, as a leader of my generation, to make sure you are informed on cannabis. 

(Your Claim) Cannabis has poisoned people and caused death(s)

(Evidence) None

(My Claim) "In all of recorded medical literature, no one has ever died from a marijuana overdose"
(Evidence #1

(Evidence #2)

I believe the point you attempted to make was in reference to the recent Denver deaths, however, you were not very clear about this.

You made it sound like the cannabis plant was indeed the cause of these deaths, however, when you actually read the article you can clearly see that one man jumpedoff the building to his death after saying "This is a sign from God that this has happened, that I can't control myself
It's not because of the weed" (SeeSOURCE). 
Obviously this man already had poor mental health, and possible suicidal tendencies before even consuming cannabis.

And the other man shot his wife to death after he also "took prescription pain medication before the attack" (SeeSOURCE).Yes, they both consumed cannabis before, however, to say people are dying from cannabis is just a blatant lie. The common chemical found in cannabis, THC, had nothing to do with their deaths.
I know you do not lie Mr. O'Reilly, so that is why I am here to ask you to apologize and admit you were wrong. 

Their deaths were tragic, yet, indirectly related to cannabis. If you want to keep cannabis illegal, we should make alcohol, tobacco and prescription drugs illegal as well. Anything consumed in excessive amount is damaging for your body, but unlike nicotine or alcohol, you cannot die from THC (See Evidence #1/#2). 
The cannabis plant is peaceful, and when eaten in large quantities (which is the dumbest thing you can do in any intelligent human beings opinion) it can make you feel anxious and induce paranoia. But you do not die directly from the chemical in cannabis.

These people were clearly uninformed, and this should be another example of why cannabis should be taken off of the schedule 1 drug list. Cannabis needs to be available for the public in order to conduct legal scientific research. If they knew that eating a whole (400-500 mg) cookie would induce the anxiety and paranoia (which proper research could have concluded in a matter of hours), they would have just taken a small 10-20 mg dose. Like I said, any death is tragic, however they should be used as an example as to what not to do. It was not the plants chemical that killed them, it was the dumb decision making that they made while induced in an anxiety attack that killed them.

The general public (and yes, that includes you Mr. O'Reilly) needs to be better informed about edibles, and cannabis overall. You have the power to inform the public, sinceyou have the highest rated cable news show in America. And there are other intelligent, respected, well spoken youth such as myself who would be willing to stand behind you if you admitted you were wrong about cannabis.  

In short, please consider and read the full story before you skew it into your personal agenda, for we (the audience) deserve to know the full story. 


Jack Oldfield