Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Prom: Why all the Hate?

Chillin with some fellow gentleman at last years Prom

With the upcoming of New Trier's Prom, I have heard of a lot of kids re-thinking the hundreds of dollars they are going to put into the dance. If you take a step back, and not get all hyped up in the Prom Madness, it is actually rather pathetic how much time and money people put into just one night. The guys have to rent a tuxedo, or buy one, pay for the tickets, pay for the bus and event. The girls have to pay for their dresses, their manicures and pedicures, their makeup, their shoes and accessories. Prom used to be such a blast for teenagers, it was a night to let loose and have no shame on the dance floor. But now, dancing has become something 'awk' or 'lame' or 'stupid'. And is something that causes immediate negative judgement. Back before you were dropping fat stacks on buses, food, and the party, Prom's were the ideal place for a good time! Why has this changed so severely? And why are so many people opposed to Prom nowadays?

Buisness Insider correspondent, Caroline Moss, said "Kids don't need to go to a dance to interact with each other when they can sit in their bed with their laptop and phone and text them". This is sadly true, and something only our generation has experienced. We have become a society of people who would rather text or Facebook someone, rather than take the time and respect to converse in person. 30 years ago, if you wanted to talk with someone, you would have called them to meet up at the local cafe or bar. And now, it could take three clicks and some typing to see how people are doing.
Is this right?

I certainly do not think it is. The 21st century, and a  ll the technological advancements we have achieved within it, has been very potent to the way we interact with each other. However, are we seeing a social change in our society? Are people really more inclined to converse digitally rather than face to face? Why? Or why not? 

Please leave your thoughts and comments below!

1 comment:

  1. Jack, Impressive number of posts this term.

    This post has potential (the photo alone! why is the third guy not wearing a kilt?!), but it hovers at the general level. Why not offer some concrete numbers -- costs, people attending, people "opposed to prom"? This might help you make stronger points. The second half of the post abandons that concern, though, and discusses digital encounters. is that really a fair either/or: prom or IM?

    Overall, a good amount of posts and a good range of topics here, but let's try to push these posts a little farther as we head into 4th Q.
