Saturday, January 11, 2014

What's Up With Rodman?

Before reading this, you will need to watch this three minute video. You will be just as baffled as I am, and it will engage you in this blog post.

Okay, your back. WHAT IN THE HECK?! Dennis, my man, you can't be doing that, can you? The White House most definitely does not think so, in fact White House Press Secretary, Jay Carney expressed his anger earlier this week, "I'm not going to dignify that outburst with a response," Carney said during his daily briefing. The Obama Administration claims they have no ties with Dennis Rodman, and are incredibly upset with his outburst. The man brought in question further on in the interview, Kenneth Bae, is an American Citizen who was sentenced to a North Korean Labor camp without any legitimate reason. Rodman, who later apologized and said his outburst was because he was drunk, replied, "I don't give a shit. I don't give a rat's ass what the hell you think." Not only did Rodman make himself look like a fool, he also is putting an American Citizen's life at risk. By talking trash about Kenneth Bae, he is only hyphening up North Korean officials to do worse things to Bae than put him in a labor camp. 

Rodman claims to be friends with the North Korean Dictator, Kim Jung Un. Clearly, Kim Jung Un does not care much about family, so I guess he should take all the friends he can get. But I would be careful if I was friends with such a powerful person, powerful people tend to be compulsive and do things without thinking them through. The next time Rodman tosses back a couple of screw drivers, and decides to be interviewed by CNN, I'm afraid he will say something bad about North Korea. What will happen then? How will Kim Jung Un react? I would air on the side of caution, and say not well.

What do you think about Rodman's spectacle? Do you think he just wants publicity, or is he genuinely friends with the dictator of the most feared nation in the world? 

1 comment:

  1. Jack - great blog. I wrote a blog about the whole Rodman issue too if you want to check it out. It could be publicity - this is a man who has dressed up as a girl before just to get attention. Also, Rodman likes to appear as a rebel, like nobody controls him. He has done some crazy things before that go along with this theme as well. Rodman is so self centered that I think he just might have befriended one of the world's most feared men, created a huge issue for our nation, as well as jeopardized a man's life, all for the sake of his public image. While many people agree with us that Rodman just looks like an idiot doing this, he most likely thinks that doing something like this makes him look cool.
