Thursday, January 30, 2014

Civil Rights: A Controversy for Generations to Come

As an American, what do you think your number one civil right is? Take a second to think about it, make sure to consider all types of civil rights... Now think about that right, and gain an understanding as to why you considered that as your number one choice. What would you say if someone suddenly, without reason, took that right away from you. Stripped it away forever. How would you react? I would be furious! Well, time and time again, we have seen this happen in America. Now, America is not the only country guilty of limiting civil rights, some countries don't even allow their citizens any rights. 

Well, in 1942 during the heat of WWII, President Roosevelt executed Executive Order 9066. This was essentially a deportation of Japansese Americans to internment camps for the duration of the war against the axis powers. In class, we learned that an Executive Order is a temporary law that the President creates when he feels neccessary. Congress may either choose to veto the order with a two-thirds  vote, or not. And then the Supreme Court may or may not review the order to decide if it's Constitutional or not. This order lasted the duration of the War, and it left many innocent Japenese-Americans homeless and without jobs or income security for generations to come. 

How would you justify that order? It was time of War, then it's okay, right!? Or was the President and Congress merely afraid of political disruption? Targetting the Japenese-Americans just to create a scapegoat for the public to deem an enemy. Please leave your comments below!

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