Saturday, February 22, 2014

Girl Scout Cookies: A Stoner's Delight

Any girls out there selling those delicous Girl Scout Cookies, listen up! I'm going to let you in on a little secret as to how you can maximize your profit, while minimizing your time. Who loves baked goods more than the muffin man? Stoners. Stoners are the easiest group to appeal to when it comes to selling... really anything I guess. From baked goods to goods that get you baked, stoners are great costumers. 

"On Monday, Danielle Lei and her mother set up shop outside the Green Cross store with the cookies. With the store's blessing, Lei sold 117 boxes in two hours." 117 BOXES?? My sister would sell that many boxes for her whole time as a saleswoman. But, Danielle made that number in just two hours. Wow. This story proves two things: one is that Girl Scout cookies are a go to munchie, and two is that this mom wins most ingenious saleswoman of the year. Not only was she trying to sell cookies, she said she wanted to expose Danielle to the drug and let her understand what it is and who uses it. She asked not to be on camera, but she said she is using selling Girl Scout cookies to show Danielle around town, and give her real life buissness scenarios. 

I think it is brilliant, but there are others out there who disagree. How could you expose your child to something as harmful as marijuana? That parent should be shunned! But Mrs. Lei actually proved that the most harmful thing that happens when you smoke marijuana is you want to eat fatty foods. And then play some video games and or watch a movie while eating said fatty foods. My hat is off to you, Mrs. Lei, thank you for brightening my day. 

What do you guys think about this? Do you care? Would you let your child do it? Please leave your comments below!


  1. I agree that this is an unbelievably smart and entertaining selling method, and I'm happy to see that the girl scout was successful. However, going beyond the strategy being funny, I think that this is a good way for the mother to educate her daughter about marijuana, something that is becoming increasingly relevant in our country. Marijuana has been all over the news lately considering it's recent legalization in Colorado, and many different opinions regarding it's legalization have been all over the media. That's why I believe it's important for this young girl to go out and experience the way it is being distributed firsthand. Learning about the distributing shops, as well as experiencing people who might be ON the drug in person are two ways that she is becoming familiar with marijuana. And hopefully, in my opinion, these experiences will allow her to draw her own conclusions about the drug- not just listen to what the media wants her to think.

  2. I completely agree, Ben. I am impressed at how Danielle and her mother came up with such a smart and creative way to sell Girl Scout Cookies!
